Friday, June 7, 2013

Daddy to the Rescue

Yesterday was planned to be a family day.  We don't get a lot of days together with all four of us, so a day with no other responsibilities, other than having fun, sounded fantastic!

At Christmas, we received a gift certificate to Eagles Nest indoor playground in New Brighton.  We decided to head there since it has been so rainy, gloomy, and unseasonably cool for a Minnesota June!  The kids were excited, mom and dad were excited, not a lot of people were there...perfection!  Until...we were walking away from guest services after getting the kids fitted for wrist bands and we noticed a sign that said "Attention Eagles Nest Guests (mouthful!!!!) At 9:30, 105 kids will be arriving."  I looked at Ross and said -is that today? -yep  -oh crap, thats a lot of kids!  We decided not to worry and played for a good half hour UNTIL, we saw them!  Lines of kids, out the door.  Now if you have ever been to Eagles Nest, this place should not hold over 100 kids.  Honestly, it should not hold over 60 kids.

Now to where the daddy saving occurs.  The kids were up in the loft area when the 100 streamed in to the playground.  I told my mom later that day, it reminded me a lot of the scene from Toy Story 3 when the toys are waiting in the daycare for recess to be over and all the toddlers come rushing in from recess and they are loud and crazy and pushing, oh my!  We are from a small town, live a quiet life, so this was a lot for my kiddos. 

I look up to the loft and there is Eli looking down at us from one of the little windows with a look of pure terror on his face.  Here it comes, the tears.  He is bawling!  He is scared, there are kids pushing him from every angle...he is almost 3, still a baby in my eyes and he could't find his sister.  Ross throws off his shows..."ELI NEEDS ME!"  He runs up that playground like he was two!!!!  Then, he COULDN'T FIND HIM!!!!  Ross was stuck in the same spot Eli was, surrounded by kids!!!  I see Natalie, I tell her "your brother is crying, go save him!"  She runs off and finds him in a corner crying....they made it down to me, Ross made it down to me, and WE LEFT!  It was a very exciting experience to say the very least!!

Since we were only five minutes from where Ross and I went to college, we took the kids for a little tour of Bethel!

So many memories.  So many friendships made.  So much debt incurred!  It was just as beautiful as I remembered. 

Since our original play date was a flop, we headed down to Mall of America to hit up some rides and Natalie needed a new John Smith Barbie (she is in love with him)!  We had a blast!  This was probably one of the best days we have had as a family of four.  So.Much.Fun!

Last night, before I went to bed, I came across this quote on the Proverbs 31 Ministries website from Jen Hatmaker

"You will never have this day with your children again.  Tomorrow, they'll be a little older than they were today.  This day is a gift.  Breathe and notice.  Smell and touch them; study their faces and little feet and pay attention.  Relish the charms of the present.  Enjoy today, mama.  It will be over before you know it."
THAT is exactly what I intend to do today!!!  Have a great Friday everyone! 


1 comment:

  1. Mims, when I first saw you at school my first impression was what a wonderful smile and giggle you as I read this I am reminded of that same smile and giggle and am blessed that your "family" is part of our "family". Love you guys...and love reading your posts!!!!!

    Marlene - (couldn't figure out how to comment other than anonymous!!!!!)
