Monday, July 1, 2013

Rainy Lake Part I.

VACATION!  YES!  We were so there.  We left the house two Saturdays ago (June 22), at 6:50.  That's A.M. people!!!!!   I take that back.  We left the house at 6:30, but after a stop at the post office and then Ross realizing he forgot the Barbie fishing pole and after a quick stop at home....we left the house at 6:50.  We were on the road!!!  Canada bound!!!  A short 4.5 to 5 hours later and we would be at the cabin.

Enter the chaos of traveling with two kids (5 and 2) and a puppy.

Here is the chaos in ten simple steps!  Including some fun pictures!

  1. Natalie was asking "are we there yet" when we weren't even five minutes from home.  Are you freaking kidding me?
  2. Eli spilled my coffee ALL OVER my breakfast
  3. He also dropped a cup of ketchup on my foot
  4. If you know me A). I LOVE and NEED coffee and B). I HATE the smell of ketchup 
  5. In the bathroom, a woman commented on my son's "lack of" behavior
  6. The dog pissed in the kennel
  7. I am PMS' good, no coffee=sad husband
  8. Natalie almost peed her pants and our favorite rest stop in Orr was closed
  9. The dog fell of a dock, into the lake when we had an hour drive left

Surprisingly, once we got to the marina, things went really smooth.  We got everything loaded and took off.  The only sad part was Eli kept saying "home, home."  He liked riding in the boat by the end.  To envision where we go, we drive to International Falls, MN and get in a boat at a marina on Rainy Lake.  We then travel over? through? the "imaginary" international border to get into Ontario, Canada, where our family cabin...Harbour Island resides.  Confusing?  Oh, so worth it!  Pure bliss!

We all know vacation is supposed to be relaxing.  I had great company, great food, a few great drinks and I was able to celebrate my 8th anniversary to my he's-pretty-average-but-I-love-him husband!

This was all before the flu hit.  I was stuck in bed ALL day with the flu and then Natalie got it.  Horrible.  At least I was puking in paradise!!!!  Overall we had a great time (minus the puking and PMS).   This post seems so Debbie Down'ish, so here is some of the wonderful things that happened on vacation and my favorite quotes!

Natalie lost her 2nd tooth

We had a bonfire on the beach and toasted marshmallows
Natalie caught two HUGE fish

  1. Natalie also fell off the dock and into the lake (not a favorite moment, but she overcame it)
  2. Eli learned how to steer the paddle boat
  3. I was able to take a shower at my favorite place on Earth (there is just something about lake water)

Now for the me, we are a little morbid!

"Oh, Natalie!  We could do my feet!  There's sandpaper!!"
"I brought two razors, we can shave my legs!  Do you want the right or the left?"
When describing fruit salad, Natalie says "How about groovy?"
Natalie, when waving around the Canadian flag, starts singing, "I'm from America!"

After the premium liquor spills on Eli's head, my moms says "You smell like Don Draper! Does it burn?  Don't lick your fingers.  Let NaNa lick them for you!"

"You have a Harvard shirt?  When did you go to Harvard?  Um...I went to Canada!  Learn to read woman!!!" 

Looking forward to Rainy Lake Part II in July!


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