Sunday, November 17, 2013

Dealing with Migraine Pain...Meh!

Today...was one of those days!  I woke up and instantly knew.  Gross.  Ick.  Yuck.  Ugh!  Migraine!
How I Feel Towards Migraines
If you are a migraine sufferer, you know exactly what emotions I am talking about.  At this point in my life, it isn't even an emotion I feel.  It is a sense of dread.  Why dread?  My day is pretty much ruined when I get a headache of this magnitude.  It is nearly impossible to be a mom, a wife, or even function with a migraine.  Can I get an AMEN from all you other Momma Migraine Getters?!?
I have been getting migraines since I was 16.  I am now 32.  Do the math.  That is a whole lot of years of complete SUCKAGE (is that a word)?  I have been on medication to prevent the migraines, medication to take when I get the migraines, I have had a change in diet and exercise, no alcohol, no chocolate, lighten up on salt, watch out for too much sun or careful how you live your life.  Avoid these triggers.
I am going to be completely honest.  Migraines make me angry.  Let's take today for instance. My family had a perfect opportunity to enjoy our Sunday together.  I spent the entire day in bed and plus my in-laws had to take my kids, when my husband went to work, because I couldn't function well enough.  That angers me.  I missed out on an entire day, because the sound of my son's voice made me cringe.  This is sad to me.
I have to look at the bright side of all of this.  I only get a couple migraines a month.  I rarely end up at the hospital...yay? and most of the time, I can feel one coming on, so I can stop it before it blows up.
I do have a couple tips for those of you that suffer from this torture.  If you are like me, you are always looking for a new type of "relief."  Once the migraine hits, try to:
  1. Take some Tylenol/Advil and then take a nap in a dark room with a fan running.  There is something about the sound of a fan that is so relaxing.
  2. Eat an apple!  Weird?  It helps or just eat anything!
  3. Caffeine!  Sometimes the cause of the pain, but when I need relief, it helps!
  4. Ice pack on forehead.  So soothing!
  5. Hot pack on neck...awesome!!!!
  6. Limit bright lights and loud noises...if possible...hardest one for me to eliminate!
  7. Take a hot bath or shower
  8. NO electronics...there is no need to update Facebook right now!!!!!
  9. Get some fresh air!
  10. Drink some water!  Stay hydrated!
  11. Peppermint oil on your forehead...just a dab :)
These are the main things I try to do whenever I get a migraine.  When I stick to this list, typically within 24 hours all major pain is gone.  If you suffer from migraines, what do you do to ease up the pain?  Any suggestions?  Share them below!

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