Sunday, November 17, 2013

DIY Window Cleaner

I HATE dirty windows!  You would never know this though, by the look of my windows...AT ALL TIMES!  I have a three year old and a dog who LOVE to climb on the back of the couch and put their grubby noses and fingers (son, not the dog) all over my front window!  Since I have children and a puppy, I have chosen to not care so much.  Pick and choose your battles.  Clean laundry is much more important than clean windows!
I still hate dirty windows, so if they could be clean for at least a couple of hours...I am satisfied!  To continue on with our DIY posts, I have a DIY window cleaner!  Great transition?!?!  If you are like me and you want your kids to help with chores, Windex can be VERY expensive for the amount of cleaner they use :).  So, why not make your own!?!?  I also recommend letting them use a cotton towel versus paper towels!
Perfectly Perfect Window Cleaner
 What You Need
1-Empty Spray Bottle
1/4 Cup White Vinegar
1 Cup Water
3-4 Drops of Dawn Dish Soap (once again, I used Target brand)
Combine all ingredients.  Give a little shake and you, my friend, have created your own window cleaner!  Congrats!
Have any other tips for DIY?  Leave a comment!

1 comment:

  1. Right! Pick and choose your battles. :D Since there is really no child/pet resistant treatment to that, you put your focus in keeping your windows spooge and smear-free. Good thing ordinary items come in handy in fulfilling this! Ricardo@Gem Window Cleaning
